Posted by CDTXXX at the WarOnline.Net forums
(Without any spell verification! :))
There are two limits
- Any non-siege unit attacking a building
can only do a maximum of 250 points per attack.
- In non-skirmish games, unit attacks can
only yield a maximum of 1,000 points plus bonuses for
It should be noted that a retaliating unit has NO max
When a unit attack DOES hit the
max damage limit, a 'modifier' is employed. To keep the fight
fair, all damage done is reduced using the same ratio until
the attack DOES meet the max damage limit.
I attack a stack, and do 3,000
damage. The defender does 1,500 damage back. Modifier is used
- both sides are divided by 3: I now do 1,000 damage, the
other stack does 500 back.
The modifier: Every level a unit
gets extends it's max damage by 20 points. So a level 11 unit
can then do 1,200 damage.
Siege units have no limt on the
damage they can do to buildings. If you have a catapult stack
that can do 5,000 damage, then that's what it does. Only the
normal combat modifers apply, NOT max damage.
Siege = Battering rams, Catapults.
Now you know the rules, here's
how to exploit them!
Part 1: Bigger-than-normal
As you should hopefully know,
you can attack whenevr your unit has 40% or more battle points
So, in theory, if you make it so that 40% of your full attack
strength just so happens to be the same as your max damage,
you'll be able to attack more often at full strength (to get
40% BP only needs 40% of a turn, rather than the full 100%).
The down side is that you end up with less stacks, and you
could simply use more stacks instead of logging in more often...!
Part 2: Smaller-than-normal
There's one VERY good reason
to use reduced size stacks. Many of the unit types get bonuses
of damage, be it the rock-scissors-paper bonus or the size
bonus of the ballista - but the one thing you can be sure
of....the bonus is rendered ineffective if you go over the
max damage. True - the modifier ensures it's not totally wasted
- but that still limits the amount of damage you can do to
your opponent in a short space of time. Even worse if it's
a 'free shot' like ranged troops and Knights get - there's
nothing to modify against, so you lose your bonus completely!
To a lesser extent, you can use
small stacks to wreak havoc on structures - but unless you
know what you're doing, it's not advised as the stack size
needed to do exactly 250 damage will be incredibly small and
very easy to kill! :-)
Thus ends the lecture on siege
troops and max damage :-)
(unless there's more to add...!)
I've no idea what will be in the next lecture, I'll decide
nearer the time :-) |